Caren-Verena |
I do like other plants very much, and you may place me almost anywhere. That's why I would be very happy, if you'd become my new godparent. Giving me to someone is also an awesome gift idea. No matter whether birthday, anniversary, wedding, mother's day, or christmas, or simply as a symbol of closeness, as a gift I will certainly delight many people. | Don't worry about my trip to you, even long distances are easy for me to master in my small waterpipe. My 'godparentship'-pass and 'how to care'-descriptions are also coming along, that's all I'll need to grow and flourish.

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Caren Frost Olmsted Design CFO Design specializes in custom art, murals, faux finishes and hand-painted instruments. Teaches painting and faux finish techniques. Serving Bernardsville, Somerset County, Morris County, and New York City. | Verena Dummermuth Die Therapeutin informiert über ihr Angebot: Prozessorientiertes Coaching, Fussreflexzonenmassage, Polarity und Seminare zur Selbstfindung. [CH-8604 Volketswil] | Verena Mathez Einheimische Heilpflanzen werden beschrieben mit Pflanzenkalender und Rezepten. Außerdem gibt es Infos über angebotene Kurse und Workshops. [CH-4657 Dulliken] | Maybe you will also find there helpful information on Caren-Verena
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