
- My godparents have "adopted" me on October 20th 2009.
 And since then, I am living along with them in the nice town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ).

- My family tree consists out of 14 offsprings, also counting me.

- I have already given away 12 of my own offsprings (offsprings 1st degree).

- I am a direct ancestor of Shakti & Sophia, and therefore there is no familyname attached to my name.

- Here you may click to see my family-tree on the worldmap: Fambey's family-tree

July 10th 2014 |
My family-tree has received an addition :) My godparents and I have chosen the name Rose-Ruth of Fambey for my 12th little plant. My little cutting Rose-Ruth of Fambey has found her new godparents right away, and so she is moving in at their home at Doha (in Qatar ) right now.
October 5th 2012 |
There is new accruement in my family-tree :) My godparents and I have chosen the name Bracquelle of Fambey for my 11th little plant. Her new godparents will be taking care of Bracquelle of Fambey from now on, they have already taken my little offspring to her new home at Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ).
May 12th 2012 |
Today, my family-tree has grown again :) My godparents and I have chosen the name Yesmina of Fambey for my 10th little plant. My little cutting Yesmina of Fambey has found her new godparents right away, and so she is moving in at their home at (in Germany ) right now.
December 10th 2011 |
My family-tree has received an addition :) My godparents and I have chosen the name Danayla of Fambey for my 9th little plant. From now on, Danayla of Fambey will be living in the town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ), and certainly she will enjoy it there very much.
November 17th 2011 |
My family-tree has received an addition :) My godparents and I have chosen the name Ortenza of Fambey for my 8th little plant. Her new godparents will be taking care of Ortenza of Fambey from now on, they have already taken my little offspring to her new home at Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ).
July 17th 2011 |
An additional offspring in my family-tree :) My 7th offspring has been named Saaliha of Fambey. This nice name has been chosen by my godparents and me. From now on, Saaliha of Fambey will be living in the town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ), and certainly she will enjoy it there very much.
May 15th 2010 |
My family-tree is growing and flourishing :) To my 6th offspring, my godparents and I have decided to give the nice name of Philomela of Fambey, which will now accompany my little cutting in her life. My little cutting Philomela of Fambey has found her new godparents right away, and so she is moving in at their home at Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ) right now.
My family-tree has received an addition :) My 5th offspring has been named Mariyam of Fambey. This nice name has been chosen by my godparents and me. From now on, Mariyam of Fambey will be living in the town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ), and certainly she will enjoy it there very much.
April 16th 2010 |
My family-tree is growing and flourishing :) To my 4th offspring, my godparents and I have decided to give the nice name of Waldegunde of Fambey, which will now accompany my little cutting in her life. My little cutting Waldegunde of Fambey has found her new godparents right away, and so she is moving in at their home at (in Germany ) right now.
My family-tree is growing and flourishing :) To my 3rd offspring, my godparents and I have decided to give the nice name of Miriam-Carena of Fambey, which will now accompany my little cutting in her life. From now on, Miriam-Carena of Fambey will be living in the town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ), and certainly she will enjoy it there very much.
March 12th 2010 |
An additional offspring in my family-tree :) To my 2nd offspring, my godparents and I have decided to give the nice name of Bambina of Fambey, which will now accompany my little cutting in her life. My little cutting Bambina of Fambey has found her new godparents right away, and so she is moving in at their home at Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ) right now.
Jippie, my first offspring:) To my first offspring, my godparents and I have decided to give the nice name of Dahlia of Fambey, which will now accompany my little cutting in her life. From now on, Dahlia of Fambey will be living in the town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ), and certainly she will enjoy it there very much.
March 6th 2010 |
The first photo with me !! Just gorgeous :) | Fambey on March 6th 2010 in Abu Dhabi |  |  |
October 20th 2009 |
What a wonderful day! October 20th 2009 will always remain a very special date to me, my godparents have "adopted" me today.
 And since then, I am living along with them in the nice town of Abu Dhabi (in United Arab Emirates ).

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