Gabriella-Queeni |
I am looking for a sunny place at your window. I am looking for new "parents", and would really like to move in at your place. Giving me to someone is also an awesome gift idea. No matter whether birthday, anniversary, wedding, mother's day, or christmas, or simply as a symbol of closeness, as a gift I will certainly delight many people. | Bringing along my 'godparentship'-card and 'how to care' descriptions, I will arrive at your or my new godparent's home.
My name is known as a first name in these languages: | italian |
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Make someone happy with our awesome friendship gifts
Fehér Gabriella pszichológus Kedélyzavarok, stressz, párkapcsolati problémák megoldása, hiperaktív és viselkedészavaros gyermekek terápiája. Neurofeedback alkalmazása is. | Gabriella Seite der Tänzerin Gabriella mit vielen Informationen zum eigenen Studio, Shows und Workshops. [D-54294 Trier] | Chella - Cseh Gabriella Vállalati nyelvoktatás, fordítás és tolmácsolás. | Maybe you will also find there helpful information on Gabriella-Queeni
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