Beate |
I do like other plants very much, and you may place me almost anywhere. That's why I would be very happy, if you'd become my new godparent. Giving me to someone is also an awesome gift idea. No matter whether birthday, anniversary, wedding, mother's day, or christmas, or simply as a symbol of closeness, as a gift I will certainly delight many people. | Bringing along my 'godparentship'-card and 'how to care' descriptions, I will arrive at your or my new godparent's home.
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Help us spread our ideas - awesome birth gifts
Sandor, Beate Austrian artist presents ’The Seven Prayers,’ a series of 21 paintings based on an alphabet of circle segments and motifs of the Buddhist Lotus Sutra. | Musikschule Beate Feucht Die staatlich anerkannte Musiklehrerin bietet Musikunterricht für Klavier, Keyboard, Gitarre, Akkordeon, Sopranflöte und Altflöte in Einzel- oder Gruppenunterricht. [D-71149 Bondorf] | Beates Musikboutique,Beate Nunn Das breite Sortiment für Musiker und Musikbegeisterte umfasst Textilien, Schmuck, Geschirr, Schreibwaren, Dekoartikel, Accessoires sowie Instrumente und Zubehör. | Maybe you will also find there helpful information on Beate
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