Beate-Margarete |
I do like other plants very much, and you may place me almost anywhere. If you adopt me, I will promise that you won't have much to worry about. I am very easy to take care for. Giving me to someone is also an awesome gift idea. No matter whether birthday, anniversary, wedding, mother's day, or christmas, or simply as a symbol of closeness, as a gift I will certainly delight many people. | My journey to you, or your loved ones, I will start well taken care of with plenty of water and greetings.

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Reisige, Dr. med. Beate Die Seiten informieren über das Leistungsspektrum sowohl in der Frauenheilkunde als auch in der Geburtshilfe, über die Praxis und das Team. [D-37603 Holzminden] | Meissner, Margarete Das Anliegen der Heilpraktikerin ist die Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung der individuellen Lebensqualität. [D-41462 Neuss] | Sandor, Beate Austrian artist presents ’The Seven Prayers,’ a series of 21 paintings based on an alphabet of circle segments and motifs of the Buddhist Lotus Sutra. | Maybe you will also find there helpful information on Beate-Margarete
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