
- My godparents have "adopted" me on June 25th 2012.
 And since then, I am living along with them in the nice town of Speyer (in Germany ).

- My family tree consists out of 4 offsprings, also counting me.

- I have already given away 2 of my own offsprings (offsprings 1st degree).

- I am a direct ancestor of Shakti & Sophia, and therefore there is no familyname attached to my name.

- Here you may click to see my family-tree on the worldmap: Valerie-Antonia's family-tree

May 27th 2013 |
October 5th 2012 |
Jippie, my first offspring:) My godparents and I have chosen the name Zoe-Fee of Valerie-Antonia for my first little plant. Her new godparents will be taking care of Zoe-Fee of Valerie-Antonia from now on, they have already taken my little offspring to her new home at Schifferstadt (in Germany ).
June 25th 2012 |
What a wonderful day! June 25th 2012 will always remain a very special date to me, my godparents have "adopted" me today.
 And since then, I am living along with them in the nice town of Speyer (in Germany ).

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